The Icelandic Disability Alliance (ÖBÍ) is an umbrella organisation of 40 associations of people with disabilities in Iceland. Our member organisations all work at a national level. ÖBÍ is a non-profit organisation with no official funding from the state. ÖBÍ works towards social justice, improved quality of life in Iceland, irrespective of individuals’ physical or mental competence.
ÖBÍ‘s policy
is to fight for the rights of people with disabilities, regardless of individuals physical and mental ability concerning for example; the right to work, to live an independent life, have good living conditions, an accessible home and healthcare that people can afford.

ÖBÍ at May Day [Labour Day] 2023. Photo: Ruth Á.
ÖBÍ‘s mission
being a knowledge center regarding the affairs and interests of people with disabilities and providing consultation and support.
Role and Services
The main role of the alliance is to represent disabled people, and safeguard their rights and interests, and last but not least, fight for their rights to be included in society. The United Nations Convention on the rights of disabled people is at the core of our work. We spend considerable time on reviewing proposed legislation, and writing up proposed changes and comments on said legislature.
ÖBÍ provides free consultation for disabled people and their relatives. Lawyers and social workers are here to help you. This can be concerning rights and duties, and we can assist in communicating with various institutions and government agencies when it comes to basic human rights. This assistance is provided free of charge, but we ask you to make an appointment by calling us during office hours.
Legal advice is also given free of charge.
ÖBÍ's Member Organizations
- The Icelandic ADHD Association [ADHD samtökin]
- Alzheimer Association of Iceland [Alzheimersamtökin á Íslandi]
- The Icelandic Asthma- and Allergy Association [Astma- og ofnæmisfélag Íslands]
- As styrktarfelag – Association for people with mental disabilities [Ás styrktarfélag]
- Blindrafelagid, Icelandic organization of the visually impaired (BIOVI) [Blindrafélagið, samtök blindra og sjónskertra á Íslandi]
- The Benefit Society of the Blind [Blindravinafélag Íslands]
- The Crohn‘s and Colitis association of Iceland [CCU samtökin]
- The Icelandic Autistic Society [Einhverfusamtökin]
- The Cerebral Palsy Society of Iceland [Félag CP á Íslandi]
- The Icelandic Association of the Deaf [Félag heyrnarlausra]
- The Iceland Dyslexia Association [Félag lesblindra á Íslandi]
- Icelandic Kidney Association [Nýrnafélagið]
- The Icelandic Association of the Deafblind [Fjóla]
- Society of Parents and Benefactors of the Hearing Impaired [Foreldra- og styrktarfélag heyrnardaufra]
- The Psychiatric and Mental Health Prevention Association of Iceland [Geðverndarfélag Íslands]
- The Icelandic League against Rheumatism [Gigtarfélag Íslands]
- Heilaheill – Non-profit organisation for people interested in cerebrovascular disease [Heilaheill]
- Heyrnarhjálp – Icelandic Association of the Hard of Hearing [Heyrnarhjálp – félag heyrnarskertra á Íslandi]
- HIV-Iceland [HIV-Ísland, alnæmissamtökin á Íslandi]
- The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients [Hjartaheill]
- Hugarfar – Association of people with brain damage and relatives [Hugarfar]
- The ICELANDIC epilepsy association [LAUF – Félag flogaveikra]
- Málbjörg – the Icelandic organisation for stutterers [Málbjörg – félag um stam]
- Organisation to benefit children and young adults with speech, language and communicative needs [Málefli]
- The Icelandic ME Association/The ME Society of Iceland [ME félagið]
- MG-association of Iceland [MG-félag Íslands]
- MND Association of Iceland [MND félagið á Íslandi]
- MS Society of Iceland [MS-félag Íslands]
- The Icelandic Parkinson´s Disease Association [Parkinsonsamtökin á Íslandi]
- Icelandic Association of Lung Patients [Lungnasamtökin]
- Icelandic Diabetes Association [Samtök sykursjúkra]
- The Endometriosis Association of Iceland [Samtök um endómetríósu]
- Association of rehabilitated spinal injury [SEM – samtök endurhæfðra mænuskaddaðra]
- The Icelandic Association of Tuberculosis and Chest Patients [SÍBS – Samband íslenskra berkla- og brjóstholssjúklinga]
- Sjalfsbjorg, the Icelandic federation of physically disabled people [Sjálfsbjörg – landssamband hreyfihamlaðra]
- SPOEX – Association of Psoriasis and Eczema Patients [SPOEX – Samtök psoriasis og exemsjúklinga]
- ISILCO – The Icelandic Ostomy Association [Stómasamtök Íslands]
- The Benefit Society for Children with Disabilities [Styrktarfélag lamaðra og fatlaðra]
- The Tourette Association in Iceland [Tourette-samtökin á Íslandi]
- Vífill is association of people with Sleep Apnea and Sleep Disorder in Iceland, NOTE: not an official english name of the association
Chair and Spokesperson of ÖBÍ
Alma Ýr Ingólfsdóttir is the Chair and Spokespersone of the ÖBÍ Icelandic Disability Alliance, a national umbrella organisation of disabled people with different kinds of disabilities composed by 40 member organisations from 2023.
Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities
Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities is an international human rights treaty that asserts that all persons with disabilities shall enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. It covers rights related to different areas of life such as equality, accessibility, education, independent living, health, employment and freedom from violence.
See more about Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities
Story of the Icelandic Disability Alliance
„One Society for all – The Story of the ÖBÍ, the Icelandic Disability Alliance“, is a film made for the 50th anniversary of the Alliance. (English subtitles)